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Styled to not be visible
effects of no fap, the effects of no fap, effects of nofap Voici l'image d'une mosaïque vibrante montrant une statue grecque. On y voit également un gars avec un visage serré de frustration.

Effects of no fap

Published Updated Personal development en
Table of Contents
  1. Why directing your sexual energy is crucial?
  2. Wet dreams
  3. Getting hated on
  4. You can escape thirst traps easier
  5. Depedestelize womenkind

Why directing your sexual energy is crucial?

Freud's concept of sexual sublimation plays a significant role in understanding human behaviour.

He proposed that sexual energy, if not directly expressed through sexual activity, could be sublimated into socially acceptable and creatively or intellectually productive activities.

This transformation of sexual energy into other pursuits is seen as a cornerstone of cultural and artistic achievements.

According to Freud, sublimation helps mitigate the frustrations of unmet sexual desires by channelling them into endeavours that contribute to individual growth and societal progress.

In this way, our deepest drives and instincts are not suppressed but redirected, fueling everything from scientific discoveries to artistic masterpieces, thereby linking nearly all aspects of human behaviour to this foundational psychoanalytic concept.

No fap encourages a deliberate redirection of this potent energy towards achieving goals and fulfilling ambitions, therefore facilitating the achievement of one's overall well-being and productive goals.

EFFECTS OF NOFAP This video speaks about the most important effects that practicing no fap can bring.

Wet dreams

When you have practiced no fap for the first couple of months, you will realize that God has created a natural mechanism to output the excess semen you have in the body.

The phenomenon is called a "wet dream". It happens during your sleep while you are dreaming.

During the dream, the sleep cycle under which one operates is called the REM phase. It is at this phase that men usually have an erection, and testosterone is produced in the testes.

Sometimes, ejaculation happens during REM sleep, causing the individual to release, and this is called a "wet dream".

Getting hated on

Many people have published content about their experience doing no fap. Many have noticed that others radiate some "haters" energy around them.

This could be an illusion due to inner narcissism, which they might have confused for "hate" of their newly found no fap superpower.

In my experience, I have identified these "hate" vibrations in public settings from specific individuals.

Still, it isn't easy to attribute it to the no fap practice. This hostility could have always been there, and doing no fap elevated my capacity to identify sources of "hate" from other males or females.

You can escape thirst traps easier

Nearly everywhere you look, you will likely be faced with a thirst trap. We men are visual creatures.

It does not take much for us to stir up erotic images in our minds. So, when we are shown the slightest visual cue of the female body, our arousal mechanics get triggered.

The female's body is everywhere in the 21st century. For example, you can find sexual content by simply scrolling social media or when looking at a perfume commercial!

I think these are designed strategically to put men in a scenario where they are more likely to indulge through the eyes, leading to semen release.

With no fap, a man is likelier to manifest discipline in these scenarios and avoid the pitfalls of sexual thirst. The more a man masters the control of what to do with his sexual urges, the more he can walk away from inciting stimuli ubiquitous in the modern era.

Depedestelize womenkind

The no fap movement, often seen as part of broader self-improvement journeys, encourages participants to reevaluate and adjust their perceptions of sexuality and interpersonal relationships, particularly with women.

This shift often includes a conscious effort to depedestalize women—viewing them not as idealized figures but as different and cherished for this difference.

This mindset change is pivotal, promoting healthier, better relationships grounded in realism rather than fantasy.

By challenging the conventional, often media-driven portrayals of women, individuals practicing no fap can develop more meaningful and balanced connections with others.

Mahdi Furry

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