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how to convert aiff to mp3, online converters, convert aiff to mp3 online, aiff a mp3, how to convert aiff to mp3 free, cloudconvert An image of a flag with the text 'AIFF to MP3' written on it, hanging near a window. In the foreground, audio bars symbolize sound or noise.

How to Convert AIFF to MP3?

Published Updated Audio conversion en
Table of Contents
  1. Online Converters
    • Convert AIFF to MP3 online
  2. AIFF to MP3 Online Free
    • How to convert AIFF to MP3 free?

Online Converters

Convert AIFF to MP3 online


Use the tool below, accessed at I personally built this simple and nimble AIFF to MP3 tool.

AIFF to MP3 Online Free

How to convert AIFF to MP3 free?


With CloudConvert, simply upload your AIFF file, choose MP3 as the desired output format, and start the conversion process.

You can access the tool at:

Screenshot of CloudConvert

Hit the first dropdown icon to select the audio format type we want to convert.

The app allows us to type the format we need to convert, as seen below. Go ahead and write "AIFF," then when the option appears underneath, just select "AIFF."

Screenshot of CloudConvert

Then, you can select which audio format you want to convert to from the second dropdown menu.

Screenshot of CloudConvert

Once your format types are set for the conversion, you can now upload the file onto your navigator by clicking "Select File" as depicted below:

Screenshot of CloudConvert

Select the file you need to convert from your operating system's file system. Then click "Open" on a Mac or hit "Enter" on your keyboard.

Screenshot of a file selection window, highlighting the AIFF file to be uploaded for conversion.

The file is uploaded to your navigation. The file name on the website's interface confirms the upload.

You can then proceed with the conversion by clicking "Convert."

Screenshot of CloudConvert

The file then goes through the processing phase, essentially converted on a server.

Screenshot of CloudConvert

The newly converted mp3 file will be downloaded from the browser when the conversion is done. Simply click on the "download" button below:

Screenshot of CloudConvert

Once the conversion is done, the browser will download the converted mp3 file onto the /downloads folder.

Another browser might let you select where to save the downloaded converted mp3 file.

Screenshot of a browser

On Mozilla Firefox, you can hit the zoom icon to open the /downloads folder and find your mp3 file on your computer.

Screenshot of Mozilla Firefox
Mahdi Furry