nounPronunciation (Standard): bam-boo-zuhl
Pronunciation (IPA): /bæmˈbuːzəl/
Definition Meaning
The act of deceiving someone, often in a clever or cunning way, leaving the deceived person believing they have gotten a fair deal or advantage, when in reality, they have been made the fool i.e. the 'dindon de la farce' ('the turkey of the farce' meaning 'the fall guy').
Part of Speech
- noun
- verb
Usage Examples
- He thought he got a great deal on the car, but little did he know, he was the victim of a classic bamboozel.
- The con artist's bamboozel left the entire town believing they had invested in a gold mine, only to find out it was a scam.
- She bamboozeled her way into getting a free meal by pretending to be a food critic.
- deception
- trickery
- hoax
- swindle
- honesty
- fairness
- transparency
Related Words
- scam
- con
- fraud
- hoodwink
Disambiguating Definition
Bamboozel refers to the act of tricking or deceiving someone, often leaving them unaware that they have been fooled or taken advantage of in an exchange or situation.
Word History
The term bamboozel is derived from the word 'bamboozle', which originated in the early 18th century. It is believed to have roots in Scottish or Irish slang, meaning to deceive, trick, or confuse. Over time, it has evolved into a playful yet pointed term for acts of clever deception.
Word Illustration