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Why Luke Belmar is an Absolute G?, Luke Belmar, Luke Belmar's philosophy on living, Luke Belmar and Education, How does Luke Belmar make money?, Luke Belmar Biohacking, Luke Belmar quotes, Luke Belmar tweets, Luke Belmar and the Matrix, The Belmar's and Tate's relation Photo of Luke and his brother Nate Belmar standing on a green park trail.

Why Luke Belmar is an Absolute G?

Published Updated Internet celebrity en
Table of Contents
  1. Luke Belmar
  2. Luke Belmar's philosophy
    • Reframing negatives into positives
    • Words have meaning, Etymology of words
    • Positioning
    • Identifying blind spots
    • The price of money
    • Luke Belmar and Education
  3. How does Luke Belmar make money?
  4. The Bio-hacking protocole (Bio-hack, Biohack)
    • Optimizing digestion
    • Quality of water
    • Quality of Food:
  5. Luke Belmar quotes | Tweets
  6. Luke Belmar and the Matrix
  7. The Belmar's and Tate's relation
  8. Conclusion

Luke Belmar

In the rapidly evolving worlds of e-commerce and cryptocurrency, few names have shone as brightly and consistently as Luke Belmar. But what is it that marks him as the quintessential 'G'?

The image depicts a frontal picture of Luke Belmar with Podtail written at the bottom. The image depicts a frontal picture of Luke Belmar with Podtail written at the bottom.

Luke Belmar's philosophy

Luke delves into deep themes surrounding curating one's reality and mindset. Breaking down his perspective on subliminal messaging and principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can provide some clarity.

Reframing negatives into positives

Luke stresses the importance of picking and choosing the words a person utilizes in their day-to-day lives. The reasoning is that the terms we employ directly impact our psyche and emotions on a subliminal level.

For example, when one says "oh, damn", it means to damn, I.e., curse. In this case, it is better to say "blessing" instead. Blessing invokes within oneself and others a better emotional response and can benefit one's mental state.

For Luke, beliefs are a tool to achieve one's tasks in the real world. One can intelligently utilize this tool, or the opposite, install poor concepts in their mind that lead to immoral, non-uplifting behaviours.

A legitimate critique one can give to this premise is that one could become delusional if one manipulates their perceptions and rails off reality.

Words have meaning, Etymology of words

Words hold power and meaning. They shape our perceptions. Because of the subliminal essence of the words and the limits of humans' consciousness, we tend, as a species, to sometimes operate in a wrong and ignorant manner.

Not being aware of our mental framework, we tend to get astray and do bad things, even though we might have good intentions. Therefore, to remedy some of these problems, we should become more aware of the meaning of the words that shape our mental framework.

Thus, allowing us to protect ourselves against ourselves. With a sound basis in semantics and a rich vocabulary, we become wiser and more aware, not to mention more knowledgeable. As the saying goes, "Knowledge is power."

For example, the word "anthropology" originates from Ancient Greek ánthrōpos meaning man or human, and logia, which stems from lógos and is a suffix denoting the study of something. With this understanding, we can utilize this word for more in-depth meaning.


Luke refers to "positioning" in terms of placing oneself in advantageous situations or surroundings.

A good metaphor for this concept can be witnessed in nature. A spider takes time to build its web, as the operation requires precision. A spider moves methodically and places each silk thread with precision. Once the trap is set and the spider is "positioned", it can collect the fruit of its labour.

When an insect or another small creature flies or falls into the web, it becomes entangled. The vibrations from the struggling prey alert the spider, which then moves in to immobilize its catch, typically by injecting venom and wrapping it in silk for later consumption.

One must proactively and consciously set oneself up for success by being in the right places, with the right people, at the right time, and equipped with the proper knowledge and mindset. Not to mention that progress generates monetary gains and then enables success in a non-linear fashion. Much pre-build-up is required, i.e. positioning, then once everything is set, the system can become leveraged. You have to design and craft your reality.

Identifying blind spots

The outcomes and problems one is yielding at the present moment result from the accumulative knowledge one has amassed throughout one's life. Therefore, getting new, better outcomes requires finding better information.

The price of money

Luke Belmar has an interesting take and rapport when it comes to money. At its core, for Luke, money is a medium of exchange.

Luke alerts on several podcasts that debts are currently defined as money. Money-dept is essentially the government's liability towards banks.

The premise of money-dept is an oxymoron.

Several mechanics add upon each other and contribute to the increase in the money supply.

When the government needs to grow the monetary supply, the government, through complex trades of IOUs with several banking institutions, issues more currency, i.e. debt, for the markets to leverage.

For example, banks can open balance sheets, enter the amount the government lends, and several banking institutions write off those debts as assets on their books. Therefore, this process increases the money supply at no labour cost or market value creation. This process constitutes an issue, according to Luke.

Money should be pegged to a tangible representation of energy deployed, i.e. value.

An example would be an artisanal craftsman transforming bulk wood into furniture at the expense of his energy and know-how. He then creates a finished product and can capitalize on it on the sole condition of a market, i.e., client demand.

Plus, capital is deployed based on "valuation" and "growth", but this implies societal dysfunction. The necessary metric to dictate whether to invest should be the ability to increase the production capacity needed for market demand. This metric requires sound predictions. Thus, We are in an environment where capital is being over-lent and with diminishing returns to the wrong industries, thus accentuating the ratio of the money supply to overall value.

Add to this "fractional reserve banking". Fractional reserve banking means the issuance of interest on capital deployed, and the monetary supply grows out of proportion.

Fractional reserve banking creates an inflationary economy.

The system has a lack of transparency, wrongly deploys capital, trades debt in a complex manner (through various institutions and instruments), does not peg money to tangible goods, and falsifies the historical meaning of money.

The system facilitates corruption and ethical problems vis-a-vis real jobs that create market value. Plus, this also affects ideologies through propaganda as the owners of media distribution get approached to develop content in a certain way. The power of capital influences these media owners.

Luke predicts that governments will transition towards purely digital money without physical cash. Luke presents two reasons for this necessity: 1. To better monitor transactions, and 2. To avoid the potentiality of insolvency caused by a bank run.

Luke Belmar and Education

For Luke, education, I.e. pursuing knowledge, is crucial for success. Luke distinguishes between formal institutionalized education and self-taught education.

Luke lays out several cons of the educational system. Let's briefly talk about those.

Pre-college education:

  • Architected and designed as a prison.
  • Comparable to an indoctrination camp.
  • Instills behaviours and thought processes that will handicap one from achieving success.

College education:

  • He says that higher education other than STEM is a waste of time, money and effort.
  • Thinks higher education is overpriced and needs to yield the opportunities it promises.

Luke is keener on practical fields of education needed in the real world.

The image depicts Luke Belmar posing for a photo in front of Credit Suisse bank. The image depicts Luke Belmar posing for a photo in front of Credit Suisse bank.

How does Luke Belmar make money?

Luke Belmar made money through e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets.

The image depicts Luke Belmar in Dubai with a bird standing in his hand. The image depicts Luke Belmar in Dubai with a bird standing in his hand.

The Bio-hacking protocole (Bio-hack, Biohack)

Biohacking is the concept Luke and his brother Nate Belmar implement to optimize their health. Let's touch on each idea so that you can start implementing some today.

Optimizing digestion

  • Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing.
  • Do not mix eating and drinking.

Quality of water

Our bodies are made of 70-26% of water. The water we consume daily has a direct effect on our being. How we operate and feel mentally and physically can be optimized through the water quality we consume.

One of the significant issues with regular tap water is that it contains fluoride.

  • Reverse osmosis: Installing a reverse osmosis system into your water source enables the riddance of chemicals, heavy metals, and fluoride.
  • Glass bottled spring water: Glass does not leach like other containers with toxic compounds. Spring water is rich in minerals and is more alkaline.
  • Top-notch water filtration jar: These filters filter water through 5 stages and, importantly, remove fluoride and heavy metals.

Quality of Food:

This part is self-explanatory. To bio-hack, one must not consume:

  • Processed and/or canned meats, beans, fruits, and other vegetables.
  • Seed oils
  • White bread
  • Cereals
  • Foods wrapped in plastic


To bio-hack, one is required to cook exclusively on/in:

  • Stainless Steel
  • Cast Iron
  • Ceramic
  • Oven

Also, Belmar's notion to bio-hack is to avoid that your food avoids contact with any type of plastic during the entire lifecycle before getting consumed. Foods should be consumed 2 hours after cooked.


As a rule of thumb, always eat fresh. Here is a list of foods the Belmar's suggest you eat to Biohack:

  • Beef: beef liver, beef heart, ground beef, beef bone marrow, ground beef, beef meat, bone broth
  • Fish: oysters, sardines, shellfish, and other fresh fishes that are local.
  • Eggs: Organic, possibly pasture raised
  • Cheese: raw, fresh, hard seasoned for +20 months, high quality
  • Milk: natural, raw, low temperature, pasteurized, whole
  • Kefir: raw
  • Fruits: organic apples, organic pears, oranges, lemons, bananas, organic grapes, mango, organic papaya, kiwis, organic apricot, organic peach, ananas, watermelon, organic berries, and dates.
  • Organic Vegetables: pumpkins and squash, organic zucchini, sweet potato, avocado, organic olives, skinned organic tomato, organic carrots, melon, cantaloupe, organic cucumber
  • Fats: butter, lard, tallow, ghee
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 9-16% linoleum acid, organic, raw, not heated
  • Coconut oil: 2-5% linoleic acid, organic, cold-pressed
  • Coconut water: organic
  • Juice: Fresh, pressed, homemade
  • Other liquids: bone broth, honey, maple syrup
  • Grains: Only white rice


  • Dishes: Use baking soda and Vineyard instead of using detergents to wash your dishes.
  • Your food: The Belmar's recommend you to wash your food (fruits and vegetables) with baking soda and vineyard

Your Body: Many people don't realize that chemical products are highly harmful to us. When we come in contact with them in the washing process, our skin absorbs lots of these chemical substances causing endocrine and hormone disruption, skin irritation and other related diseases.

Therefore to wash yourselves and bio-hack one should prioritize these elements for persona hygiene:

Buco hygiene:

  • Fluoride-free toothpaste
  • Organic toothpaste: Organic natural ingredients
  • Mix coconut oil with a bit of baking soda

Soap and shampoos:Natural soap bar: organic, handmade, 100% natural, no fragrance, no "parfum" in the ingredient list.

Deodorants and perfumes:

  • Use nothing
  • Aluminium tree deodorant
  • Alum rock

Recovery and healing bath bio-hack:

  • Cold exposure: cold plunge in an ice bath or a cold shower
  • Massage: With arnica cream, lavender oil, and other essential oils.
  • Collagen intake: 30-50 grams a day
  • Salt bath: warm or hot bathtub, 2 spoons of Epsom salt, pink Himalayan salt, 10 drops of pure lavender oil, 30 min bath.

Herbs and spices

Hot water infusions of these herbs, leaves, spices and seeds increase nutrient intake.

Black pepper, ginger, red cloves, lemon peel, orange peel, mate leaf, fennel seed & cumin seed, cilantro seed, cinnamon sticks, camomile flower, lavender flower, hemp seed, nettle leaf, goji berries, chia seeds, rosemary, ginger, turmeric, and mint leaf.


Magnesium: glycinate, creatine monohydrate, leucine, Iodine, collagen peptides, pure shilajit, organic spirulina, lions' mane

By registering to Capital Club, access complete bio hack protocols. ⬇️

Register to Capital Club

Luke Belmar quotes | Tweets

Broke is the condition of the mind, not the pocket.People don't want to be patient, people want microwave results, and that's the type of food you will get.If you don't have health, you have nothing.If you don't program yourself, someone will program you.To know is not enough; you must do, you must put into practice.

Luke Belmar Biography And Capital Club

Luke Belmar and the Matrix

"The Matrix" - a term borrowed from the 1999 sci-fi classic that has since become emblematic of awakening to reality, challenging conventions, and questioning what we've always been taught.

For Luke Belmar, the journey towards riches in the digital realm parallels the journey of Neo, the protagonist of "The Matrix."

Just as Neo was introduced to a reality that he was previously unaware of, Luke delved into the world of digital entrepreneurship, uncovering layers of lies, deceit, and misinformation that existed beneath the surface of the facade.

It was a realm that promised unparalleled freedom and potential but also demanded an unrelenting pursuit of knowledge and the courage to confront challenging truths.

Luke had to develop an acumen to discern truth from illusion. It required him to unlearn traditional business teachings like Neo unlearning the perceived boundaries of physics and reality.

An anime of Neo from the Matrix movie. An anime of Neo from the Matrix movie.

The Belmar's and Tate's relation

Luke Belmar has been in the digital entrepreneurship space for almost seven years, and two to three years ago, he stumbled upon Andrew Tate's YouTube channel.

At that time, Andrew's presence was less prominent than now - having just around 80,000 followers on Instagram and a little over 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. Luke identified that Andrew's content was engaging before it caught mainstream attention.

Andrew Tate's views have undergone a significant transformation over the past year. Luke noted that Andrew's conversion to Islam appeared to have given him a certain grounding. It was during these times that Luke began his communication with Andrew.

Their connection was initiated out of a business necessity. Andrew needed some online work, and they engaged in business with one another.

Luke would render his services, and Andrew would pay for them. Interestingly, Andrew was prompt and transparent despite not having official agreements or paperwork.

As Luke put it, every time an invoice, sometimes up to tens of thousands of dollars, was sent to Andrew, it was honoured within 24 hours. Luke candidly shares that he's aware of whispers in the industry about the Tate brothers being "sketchy." Still, from his personal experience, their professional relationship was above board.

Their connection went beyond the confines of the internet. Luke hosted a Capital Club event in Albania and took the occasion to visit the Tate brothers in Romania. It was here that he got an authentic glimpse into their lives.

Luke Belmar's relationship with the Tate brothers was predominantly business-centric. Through their meetings, Luke saw various facets of their personality and operations. While there might be contrasting opinions about the Tate brothers in the digital space, Luke's experience with them was professional.

Andrew Tate requested Luke Belmar to make a video and publish it, going over his Romanian juridical case in light of the new evidence that had been leaked.

A picture of Luke Belmar with Tristan Tate at the Tate's mansion. A picture of Luke Belmar with Tristan Tate at the Tate's mansion.


Financial success is attainable to all. With the tools available to us now, we must write our destiny. Luke is a live example of what is possible.

Centuries of technological advancements we take for granted can be leveraged now.

Luke Belmar's Capital Club logo, with the logo on the top right. The text: Luke Belmar Biography And Capital Club is also displayed. Luke Belmar's Capital Club logo, with the logo on the top right. The text: Luke Belmar Biography And Capital Club is also displayed.
Mahdi Furry

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